1: <?php
3: declare(strict_types=1);
5: /*
6: * This file has been auto generated by Jane,
7: *
8: * Do no edit it directly.
9: */
11: namespace NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses;
13: class Client extends \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Runtime\Client\Client
14: {
15: /**
16: * List expenses under the same account. Admin and bookkeeper have access to any expense, and regular users can only access their own.
17: *
18: * @param array $queryParameters {
19: *
20: * @var array $expand[]
21: * @var array $user_id[]
22: * @var array $parent_expense_id[]
23: * @var string $cursor
24: * @var int $limit
25: * }
26: *
27: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
28: *
29: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\PageExpandableExpense|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
30: *
31: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ListExpensesBadRequestException
32: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ListExpensesUnauthorizedException
33: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ListExpensesForbiddenException
34: */
35: public function listExpenses(array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
36: {
37: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Endpoint\ListExpenses($queryParameters), $fetch);
38: }
40: /**
41: The `uri` will be a pre-signed S3 URL allowing you to upload the receipt securely. This URL can only be used for a `PUT` operation and expires 30 minutes after its creation. Once your upload is complete, we will try to match the receipt with existing expenses.
43: Refer to these [docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/PresignedUrlUploadObject.html) on how to upload to this pre-signed S3 URL. We highly recommend using one of AWS SDKs if they're available for your language to upload these files.
45: *
46: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\ReceiptMatchRequest $requestBody
47: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
48: *
49: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\CreateAsyncFileUploadResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
50: *
51: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptMatchBadRequestException
52: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptMatchUnauthorizedException
53: */
54: public function receiptMatch(Model\ReceiptMatchRequest $requestBody, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
55: {
56: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Endpoint\ReceiptMatch($requestBody), $fetch);
57: }
59: /**
60: * Get an expense by its ID.
61: *
62: * @param array $queryParameters {
63: *
64: * @var array $expand[]
65: * }
66: *
67: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
68: *
69: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\ExpandableExpense|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
70: *
71: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\GetExpenseBadRequestException
72: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\GetExpenseUnauthorizedException
73: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\GetExpenseForbiddenException
74: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\GetExpenseNotFoundException
75: */
76: public function getExpense(string $expenseId, array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
77: {
78: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Endpoint\GetExpense($expenseId, $queryParameters), $fetch);
79: }
81: /**
82: * Update an expense. Admin and bookkeeper have access to any expense, and regular users can only access their own.
83: *
84: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\UpdateExpenseRequest $requestBody
85: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
86: *
87: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\Expense|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
88: *
89: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\UpdateExpenseBadRequestException
90: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\UpdateExpenseUnauthorizedException
91: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\UpdateExpenseForbiddenException
92: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\UpdateExpenseNotFoundException
93: */
94: public function updateExpense(string $expenseId, Model\UpdateExpenseRequest $requestBody, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
95: {
96: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Endpoint\UpdateExpense($expenseId, $requestBody), $fetch);
97: }
99: /**
100: The `uri` will be a pre-signed S3 URL allowing you to upload the receipt securely. This URL can only be used for a `PUT` operation and expires 30 minutes after its creation. Once your upload is complete, we will try to match the receipt with existing expenses.
102: Refer to these [docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/PresignedUrlUploadObject.html) on how to upload to this pre-signed S3 URL. We highly recommend using one of AWS SDKs if they're available for your language to upload these files.
104: *
105: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\ReceiptUploadRequest $requestBody
106: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
107: *
108: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Model\CreateAsyncFileUploadResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
109: *
110: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptUploadBadRequestException
111: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptUploadUnauthorizedException
112: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptUploadForbiddenException
113: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Exception\ReceiptUploadNotFoundException
114: */
115: public function receiptUpload(string $expenseId, Model\ReceiptUploadRequest $requestBody, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
116: {
117: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Endpoint\ReceiptUpload($expenseId, $requestBody), $fetch);
118: }
120: public static function create($httpClient = null, array $additionalPlugins = [], array $additionalNormalizers = [])
121: {
122: if (null === $httpClient) {
123: $httpClient = \Http\Discovery\Psr18ClientDiscovery::find();
124: $plugins = [];
125: $uri = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findUrlFactory()->createUri('https://platform.brexapis.com');
126: $plugins[] = new \Http\Client\Common\Plugin\AddHostPlugin($uri);
127: if (count($additionalPlugins) > 0) {
128: $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $additionalPlugins);
129: }
130: $httpClient = new \Http\Client\Common\PluginClient($httpClient, $plugins);
131: }
132: $requestFactory = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findRequestFactory();
133: $streamFactory = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findStreamFactory();
134: $normalizers = [new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ArrayDenormalizer(), new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Expenses\Normalizer\JaneObjectNormalizer()];
135: if (count($additionalNormalizers) > 0) {
136: $normalizers = array_merge($normalizers, $additionalNormalizers);
137: }
138: $serializer = new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer($normalizers, [new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder(new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncode(), new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode(['json_decode_associative' => true]))]);
140: return new static($httpClient, $requestFactory, $serializer, $streamFactory);
141: }
142: }