1: <?php
3: declare(strict_types=1);
5: /*
6: * This file has been auto generated by Jane,
7: *
8: * Do no edit it directly.
9: */
11: namespace NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team;
13: class Client extends \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Runtime\Client\Client
14: {
15: /**
16: Lists all cards by a `user_id`.
17: Only cards with `limit_type = CARD` have `spend_controls`
19: *
20: * @param array $queryParameters {
21: *
22: * @var string $user_id
23: * @var string $cursor
24: * @var int $limit
25: * }
26: *
27: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
28: *
29: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\PageCard|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
30: */
31: public function listCardsByUserId(array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
32: {
33: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\ListCardsByUserId($queryParameters), $fetch);
34: }
36: /**
37: Creates a new card.
38: The `spend_controls` field is required when `limit_type` = `CARD`.
39: The `mailing_address` field is required for physical cards and is the shipping address used to send the card; it is not the same as the billing and mailing address used for online purchases.
40: The first 2 lines of this address must be under 60 characters long. Each user can only have up to 10 active physical cards.
42: *
43: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CreateCardRequest $requestBody
44: * @param array $headerParameters {
45: *
46: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
47: * }
48: *
49: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
50: *
51: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
52: */
53: public function createCard(Model\CreateCardRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
54: {
55: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\CreateCard($requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
56: }
58: /**
59: Retrieves a card by ID. Only cards with `limit_type = CARD` have `spend_controls`
61: *
62: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
63: *
64: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
65: */
66: public function getCardById(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
67: {
68: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetCardById($id), $fetch);
69: }
71: /**
72: Update an existing vendor card
74: *
75: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UpdateCardRequest $requestBody
76: * @param array $headerParameters {
77: *
78: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
79: * }
80: *
81: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
82: *
83: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
84: */
85: public function updateCard(string $id, Model\UpdateCardRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
86: {
87: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\UpdateCard($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
88: }
90: /**
91: Locks an existing, unlocked card. And the card owner will receive a notification about it.
93: *
94: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\LockCardRequest $requestBody
95: * @param array $headerParameters {
96: *
97: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
98: * }
99: *
100: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
101: *
102: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
103: */
104: public function lockCard(string $id, Model\LockCardRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
105: {
106: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\LockCard($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
107: }
109: /**
110: Retrieves card number, CVV, and expiration date of a card by ID.
112: *
113: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
114: *
115: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CardNumberResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
116: */
117: public function getCardNumber(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
118: {
119: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetCardNumber($id), $fetch);
120: }
122: /**
123: Creates a secure email to send card number, CVV, and expiration date of a card by ID to the specified email.
125: This endpoint is currently gated. If you would like to request access, please reach out to
126: [email protected]
128: *
129: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\SecureEmailForCardDetailsRequest $requestBody
130: * @param array $headerParameters {
131: *
132: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
133: * }
134: *
135: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
136: *
137: * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
138: */
139: public function emailCardNumber(string $id, Model\SecureEmailForCardDetailsRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
140: {
141: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\EmailCardNumber($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
142: }
144: /**
145: Terminates an existing card. The card owner will receive a notification about it.
147: *
148: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\TerminateCardRequest $requestBody
149: * @param array $headerParameters {
150: *
151: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
152: * }
153: *
154: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
155: *
156: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
157: */
158: public function terminateCard(string $id, Model\TerminateCardRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
159: {
160: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\TerminateCard($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
161: }
163: /**
164: Unlocks an existing card.
166: *
167: * @param array $headerParameters {
168: *
169: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
170: * }
171: *
172: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
173: *
174: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\Card|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
175: */
176: public function unlockCard(string $id, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
177: {
178: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\UnlockCard($id, $headerParameters), $fetch);
179: }
181: /**
182: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
183: *
184: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CompanyResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
185: *
186: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetCompanyBadRequestException
187: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetCompanyUnauthorizedException
188: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetCompanyForbiddenException
189: */
190: public function getCompany(string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
191: {
192: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetCompany(), $fetch);
193: }
195: /**
196: This endpoint lists all departments.
198: *
199: * @param array $queryParameters {
200: *
201: * @var string $cursor
202: * @var int $limit
203: * @var string $name
204: * }
205: *
206: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
207: *
208: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\PageDepartmentResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
209: *
210: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListDepartmentsBadRequestException
211: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListDepartmentsUnauthorizedException
212: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListDepartmentsForbiddenException
213: */
214: public function listDepartments(array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
215: {
216: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\ListDepartments($queryParameters), $fetch);
217: }
219: /**
220: This endpoint creates a new department
222: *
223: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CreateDepartmentRequest $requestBody
224: * @param array $headerParameters {
225: *
226: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
227: * }
228: *
229: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
230: *
231: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\DepartmentResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
232: *
233: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateDepartmentBadRequestException
234: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateDepartmentUnauthorizedException
235: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateDepartmentForbiddenException
236: */
237: public function createDepartment(Model\CreateDepartmentRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
238: {
239: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\CreateDepartment($requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
240: }
242: /**
243: This endpoint gets a department by ID.
245: *
246: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
247: *
248: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\DepartmentResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
249: *
250: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetDepartmentByIdBadRequestException
251: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetDepartmentByIdUnauthorizedException
252: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetDepartmentByIdForbiddenException
253: */
254: public function getDepartmentById(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
255: {
256: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetDepartmentById($id), $fetch);
257: }
259: /**
260: This endpoint lists all locations.
262: *
263: * @param array $queryParameters {
264: *
265: * @var string $cursor
266: * @var int $limit
267: * @var string $name
268: * }
269: *
270: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
271: *
272: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\PageLocationResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
273: *
274: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListLocationsBadRequestException
275: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListLocationsUnauthorizedException
276: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListLocationsForbiddenException
277: */
278: public function listLocations(array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
279: {
280: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\ListLocations($queryParameters), $fetch);
281: }
283: /**
284: This endpoint creates a new location.
286: *
287: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CreateLocationRequest $requestBody
288: * @param array $headerParameters {
289: *
290: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
291: * }
292: *
293: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
294: *
295: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\LocationResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
296: *
297: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateLocationBadRequestException
298: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateLocationUnauthorizedException
299: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateLocationForbiddenException
300: */
301: public function createLocation(Model\CreateLocationRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
302: {
303: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\CreateLocation($requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
304: }
306: /**
307: This endpoint gets a location by ID.
309: *
310: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
311: *
312: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\LocationResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
313: *
314: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetLocationByIdBadRequestException
315: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetLocationByIdUnauthorizedException
316: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetLocationByIdForbiddenException
317: */
318: public function getLocationById(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
319: {
320: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetLocationById($id), $fetch);
321: }
323: /**
324: This endpoint lists all users. To find a user id by email, you can filter using the `email` query parameter.
326: *
327: * @param array $queryParameters {
328: *
329: * @var string $cursor
330: * @var int $limit
331: * @var string $email
332: * @var array $expand[]
333: * }
334: *
335: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
336: *
337: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\PageUserResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
338: *
339: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListUsersBadRequestException
340: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListUsersUnauthorizedException
341: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\ListUsersForbiddenException
342: */
343: public function listUsers(array $queryParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
344: {
345: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\ListUsers($queryParameters), $fetch);
346: }
348: /**
349: This endpoint invites a new user as an employee.
350: To update user's role, check out [this article](https://support.brex.com/how-do-i-change-another-user-s-role/).
352: *
353: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\CreateUserRequest $requestBody
354: * @param array $headerParameters {
355: *
356: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
357: * }
358: *
359: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
360: *
361: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
362: *
363: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateUserBadRequestException
364: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateUserUnauthorizedException
365: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\CreateUserForbiddenException
366: */
367: public function createUser(Model\CreateUserRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
368: {
369: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\CreateUser($requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
370: }
372: /**
373: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
374: *
375: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
376: *
377: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetMeBadRequestException
378: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetMeUnauthorizedException
379: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetMeForbiddenException
380: */
381: public function getMe(string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
382: {
383: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetMe(), $fetch);
384: }
386: /**
387: This endpoint gets a user by ID.
389: *
390: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
391: *
392: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
393: *
394: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetUserByIdBadRequestException
395: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetUserByIdUnauthorizedException
396: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\GetUserByIdForbiddenException
397: */
398: public function getUserById(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
399: {
400: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetUserById($id), $fetch);
401: }
403: /**
404: This endpoint updates a user. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.
406: *
407: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UpdateUserRequest $requestBody
408: * @param array $headerParameters {
409: *
410: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
411: * }
412: *
413: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
414: *
415: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
416: *
417: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\UpdateUserBadRequestException
418: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\UpdateUserUnauthorizedException
419: * @throws \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Exception\UpdateUserForbiddenException
420: */
421: public function updateUser(string $id, Model\UpdateUserRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
422: {
423: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\UpdateUser($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
424: }
426: /**
427: This endpoint gets the monthly limit for the user including the monthly available limit.
429: *
430: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
431: *
432: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserLimitResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
433: */
434: public function getUserLimit(string $id, string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
435: {
436: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\GetUserLimit($id), $fetch);
437: }
439: /**
440: This endpoint sets the monthly limit for a user.
441: The limit amount must be non-negative.
442: To unset the monthly limit of the user, just set `monthly_limit` to null.
444: *
445: * @param \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\SetUserLimitRequest $requestBody
446: * @param array $headerParameters {
447: *
448: * @var string $Idempotency-Key
449: * }
450: *
451: * @param string $fetch Fetch mode to use (can be OBJECT or RESPONSE)
452: *
453: * @return \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Model\UserLimitResponse|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|null
454: */
455: public function setUserLimit(string $id, Model\SetUserLimitRequest $requestBody, array $headerParameters = [], string $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
456: {
457: return $this->executeEndpoint(new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Endpoint\SetUserLimit($id, $requestBody, $headerParameters), $fetch);
458: }
460: public static function create($httpClient = null, array $additionalPlugins = [], array $additionalNormalizers = [])
461: {
462: if (null === $httpClient) {
463: $httpClient = \Http\Discovery\Psr18ClientDiscovery::find();
464: $plugins = [];
465: $uri = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findUrlFactory()->createUri('https://platform.brexapis.com');
466: $plugins[] = new \Http\Client\Common\Plugin\AddHostPlugin($uri);
467: if (count($additionalPlugins) > 0) {
468: $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $additionalPlugins);
469: }
470: $httpClient = new \Http\Client\Common\PluginClient($httpClient, $plugins);
471: }
472: $requestFactory = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findRequestFactory();
473: $streamFactory = \Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findStreamFactory();
474: $normalizers = [new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ArrayDenormalizer(), new \NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex\API\Team\Normalizer\JaneObjectNormalizer()];
475: if (count($additionalNormalizers) > 0) {
476: $normalizers = array_merge($normalizers, $additionalNormalizers);
477: }
478: $serializer = new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer($normalizers, [new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder(new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncode(), new \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode(['json_decode_associative' => true]))]);
480: return new static($httpClient, $requestFactory, $serializer, $streamFactory);
481: }
482: }